Share Your World – 2016 Week 30 – Cee’s Photography

Do you prefer a bath or shower? I prefer a bath, but usually just settle for a shower. Would rather soak in a jacuzzi tub and relax maybe drink wine but time never seems to be on my side and I don’t have the jacuzzi tub since I moved to Michigan. But I have plans to install one someday.

If you had an unlimited shopping spree at only one store, which one would you choose? Why? Hardware store. Would empty the store and target things so I could build in our Lake front summer cabin. Well someday our Great Lake front home.

If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what age would that be? 30 would be the age that is when I passed doing dumb stuff on a regular basis but had the energy to go all day all night. Now days I do my best but always seem a little tired.

List at least five movies that cheer you up. Oh boy I might be strange in this but Paint Your Wagon, Cat Ballou, Eldorado, Goodfella’s and Happy Gilmore.  


Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?  Having mom in town and looking forward to road triping around Michigan and cooking outside.

via Share Your World – 2016 Week 30 – Cee’s Photography

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